Frontier Science Welcomes Two Harvard Fullbright Students

Frontier Science is pleased to welcome two Harvard Fulbright students this year, Lise Helsingen, MD and Paulina Wieszczy as affiliate researchers in our Brookline office.

Lise Helsingen, MD, University of Oslo/Oslo University Hospital, Norway

Lise Helsingen is a medical doctor and PhD candidate in the Clinical Effectiveness Research group at the University of Oslo/Oslo University Hospital, Norway. Dr. Helginsen is doing research within cancer epidemiology and more specifically working on a Scandinavian registry based cohort of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Her group is estimating the risk of colorectal cancer, building and validating a prediction model to guide clinical care for those patients, and applying causal inference methodology to estimate the causal effect of pharmacological therapy and surveillance on cancer risk. She is also working on methods for developing clinical guidelines, and is currently doing a project on a guideline for colorectal cancer screening in the general population. During her stay in Boston she is splitting time between Frontier-Boston and Harvard School of Public Health. “I really enjoy the friendly and helpful colleagues at Frontier Science, and they have made me feel very welcome. I enjoy the interaction with interesting researchers from so many different fields. They are giving me a better understanding of the conduction of medical research in the U.S, and also of the U.S. society in general. The Fulbright program is about increasing mutual understanding between peoples of the U.S. and other countries through exchange activities, and through my stay with Frontier Science I am certain this will be achieved.“

Paulina Wieszczy, Biostatistician, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center, Poland

Paulina Wieszczy is a biostatistician affiliated with the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center in Poland and with the Institute of Oncology. She is a PhD candidate in the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education in Warsaw, Poland. Currently, she is in Boston for the 2018/2019 academic year and sharing her time between Harvard School of Public Health and Frontier Science. Her major field of interest is colorectal cancer epidemiology and screening. She is working on projects evaluating the effectiveness of screening, optimizing patient care and assessing quality standards. “I appreciate the opportunity to work in the Frontier Science office and being able to exchange both professional experience and cultural observations. There is no better place for a junior biostatistician to see how the academic and business environments can perfectly complement each other. I believe that this year will be unique and a life changing experience for me.”