
Statistical Support
Our biostatisticians have extensive experience in monitoring a broad variety of clinical trials encompassing different disease areas and disease characteristics, and a variety of trial designs and product categories.
Independent Data and Safety Monitoring
Our broad experience with clinical trials and Independent Data Monitoring Committees (IDMCs) allows us to understand and anticipate the unique needs of your study.

Meeting Your Needs
We tailor analyses and reports to properly address the key scientific questions of each study, and convey its findings in a meaningful manner.
Our monitoring reports provide succinct risk-benefit information for periodic safety monitoring.

Our Statistical Team
Our statistical team provides guidance on the optimal statistical and study design needed to address the scientific hypothesis, and works closely with the data management team to assist in case report form development, randomization guidelines, and monitoring plans.
The Frontier Science statistical team has nearly 20 years of experience serving as an Independent Statistical Center (ISC) to Independent Data Monitoring Committees (IDMC) for randomized industry trials, developing and validating confidential study monitoring reports that evaluate drugs, biologics, and devices in a broad spectrum of disease areas.